What happend? 2 nights in a roll

Do you know him? Just right now have dinner with friends in beverly hills and friends from Canada, my friend Robert is really funny, so 8 of us, then they put us upstairs in the VIP room, just us, nomally I don't like those VIP rooms, because you are complately isolated from the world like the emperor's room in China and in my book, anyway there is a big TV screen and a superstar poker game is on and here he is Johnny Chan sitting next to me, I have never heard of him, but friend says he is the Tiger Wood in Poker 10 times world winner , anyway very nice to see our Asian are the stars and rock the world, proud of him.

Well nice dinner nice friends, they drink and drunk and smoke and make dirty jokes, there are producers funny he says my name just came to him because he is doing a movie in China and they want me to play the lead, and he did not know he will meet me tonight, this is how the world turns and how life dances, circle around circle like a magic......

I wish I know Johnny then when I was in Vegas making " Magic Man" last week, then in my off work days he could have tought me how to play poker, I am intriged....... The mind game......

Weekend passes so quikly like a page of news paper you turn in the coffe table on Sunday, without me fully realized and enjoyed it, its like you are Drunk and can not really see the color and can not breath through the mist to unheal the deep fresh air.......

Beautiful big moon sitting on the lower sky in front of me right now while I am driving home, sintimentle my mood flirting with the red wine I have tested in dinner, what would I do if I am on the moon right now? Jump into the soft clouds like my clean fresh bed with my lover and make love, and what do you think------ naked of cause......

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