I met Mr. Chris Carter, the creator and the director of X file

I met Chris Carter last night at the X file premiere and talked with him, he is a very warm and nice gentlmen, with all the fans out there in the red carpet going crazy he must be so proud. Thank 20 centry fox for invite me to witness this. I told Chris that I like the intellegence behind the movie and the tender haeat,

and he asked me to tell him how do I think of the movie after I watch it, but I never made it to the after party, so I missed him, hope one day I will meet him again or have a chance to work with him then I can tell him my thoughts, you know people meet just like that, like the wind passing by, some of them you will never meet again, but some of them you will when its meant to be in your surprise, I love those surprises, we plan a seed then we smile at the flowers when the sun puts a bright light on it.

Chris told me he knows my work and he is a fan. I like to work with all the intellegent directors and producers, the intellegent artist always gets me, they get me and appreciate me, it is because they stand where I stand, they smile my melody of smile, and have a gift to offer and have a beautiful spirit and talent and a caring heart to give, this is the dream you have to dream, this is the dream you have to believe firmly and I do and they do----- to give. just by achieved what he has achieved even if I don't work with him ever still I admire and respect him, so many fans were there, they shouted and smiled and moved by, just for that and for the spirit and passion and love of the humanity that he produced.

Art is beautiful, so are we, we are the art create by nature......

So enjoy and give, even just a smile a day to your friend or to a stranger with a loving heart......

I will tell you what I said in my left leg band-aid, but want you to find out first, its fun...... And chinese is such a beautiful image art, like the mountain and water and bird, the words just look like the image of its being in front of our eyes...... Truly facinating......

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