Guess what I am going to dressed up like tonight and where to?

Happy Halloween every one!!!

Of cause this is not what I am going to dress like tonight.....

But tonight It the night for fun, for mischief! For jokes and for the crazyness, the scary dark and ghosts world, Yes its the night for your imagination and fantacy, guess where I am going tonight and guess what I am going to dressed up like tonight? Use your wildest imagination, have fun with it and hope you will surprise me or I will surprise you?

Well there will be a price for the right guess, and the price will be decide by you as well, let's have some fun my friends, let's ask all your friends who know me or don't know me to guess of what is the night in store for me and of cause you have to share your GHOSEs and crazy night with me as well, let's meet later or tomorrow.....

Let's all have a crazy wild party to celebrate the imagined magic world.......

Let's get drunk and dance like its the last night on earth, let's go crazy and make love and kiss with the sexy ghosts, let's go out and seduce the unknown.....

Send all of you a ghost kiss......and hear the music right now, it will take your soul out of your body and you will be the ghost tonight.....

I am out side your door right open it and you will meet a surprise.....

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