Invisible beauty and gifts......

Can't you see the Invisible beings up there sitting and smoking cigars and drinking expensive sweet champagne like I did this weekend.....

They are there sitting on the chairs naked up high there in the air above the blue ocean above us and watching us coming and going endless everyday.......

There are 8 of them, maybe they are my 8 little spirits sitting there watching over me and you? Guiding us, protecting us......

Funny the ocean is a big TV screen there for them to watch, there are so many different programs, channels and fun games we just can not see, but dose not mean that if we don't see it then it is not there, there are there we just can't see them, lots of beautiful magic things and gifts there in the air on earth that we don't know and see, but they are our gifts, only those lucky ones can see and enjoy.....

I can see them and I tell you how?

Take a deep breath and gently let the wind close you eyes......wait, wait a little longer take another deep breath, clean your heart, and now......can you see it?

Don't open your eyes, don't please!


Here is mine: I received a gift weekend, so many blooms flying in my lovely hotel room yesterday, they are so beautiful, bright colors, tender looks, I kissed the blue one last night, in the dim light the light blue color is so bright yet tender......and I can hear the sound and all of them make me smile, no they made me laugh and made me jumped up all the way to the roof then flew through the ceiling and shooted out directly into the sky through the white clouds then dived into the blue sea and landed on a magic boat with a dream on my feet......

I got a surprise yesterday and I am happy and thankful.......

But why I got a gift? I tell you why? It is because I closed my eyes and opened my heart......

I love surprises! Hope you got one too......

Yes you guessed right , Hello Daniel......

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