My Sexy new look......

It feels like Sunday, I know its not, but so quiet where I am with my Qiji sleeping in the sofa so comfortable........sunlight cast a little spot on her own spot.......

I am finally finished my rough cut of my movie, its like you give birth, delighted and releaved and at the same time so excited! the new born beautiful wild child from now on will have her own path life and a new breath taking journey, I know she Is going to shine so magically surprise all of you, my gift to you and to the world, I just can't wait for her to open her wings for the very first time to fly over you over the sky and in front of you unfold her brilliant surprise and magic......

Art has its own way of breath and dance, I have only fallowed...... Fallowed my blindness trust on the direction I don't really know........

Its magic just to fallow, just walk and not have any reservation and thoughts to stop in between, like the ocean like the waves like the invisible air and wind, we don't need to know, it always lead us to the path of forget the existence of us, forget the existence of it, forget the though of forget the existence...... that's why is fun for me to create, because there is no thoughts involved just purely fun and ride on the momentum of the existing second at that very moment, you know what I learned by doing that? You are in another world of uniqueness, you remember forget nothing but breath only, then you give the pure space for magic to enter........

Have a lovely day......

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