Can you tell who that is?

I meant to show you last night, but got so tired, in a event present award for the soldiers, for some reason I am always so attracted to soldiers, I think there is something to do with when I was once a soldier in Tibet, somehow that memory, the dust, the uniform, the jeeps the trucks, the male soldiers always alway have special meaning to me, I was joke about that last night on the stage, how funny I was a soldier in Tibet and today I present award to a soldier in America, just dose not make scene, well maybe this is the sense it makes in my buzzard life......

Some how the energe makes me want to fight or dance or just kick something, see how strong a influence and memory life can leave in your in your young memory and young life that never dies......

So Tired of working, thinking actress consumes a lot of energe......

Fancy food and sitting dinner with people that you don't know is very strange and did not really want to make friends or talk, no effence but I realized I am very comfortable by myself even among a lot of people......

Why my nature like this? Just like a wild cheetha......

Good night my friend.

I was voted as one of the 100s sexst body in Hollywood on E last night, my editor told me. Can you believe it? Don't know if it is a good thing or bad thing?......

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