To a beautiful woman I have the luck to meet: Dionne Warwick

I have heard you sing like a breath of a fresh air coming from the air from the place only breath beauty, the place sunlight caress our soul, the place gentle birds flies, the place magic touched you melody.......

I have the luck to hear you hear your soul and your beauty, so calm and gentle with the grace that is so pure to even blink my eyes...... nature........ Yes you know there is heaven, yes you know there is no death, yes you know she is with us with you forever in our each morning when the smile awake us, awake life awake you.......

I don't know her, but this is what I imagine her, a beautiful angel like you.......

Angel is our gift, is nature's gift and life, without Angle then there is no life, there for Angel is our life and forever.......

I love you and I know De De is with you each everyday......

Send you a hug and the beauty that I know and learned in life and you know what I meant......

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