I landed from the moon to seduce you......

So hot Sexy and mysterious, like the burning heat from the sun in LA right now even though it is the end of October but its still hot, I love this month of the year, magic sharps its wings......

SO beautiful and hot it burns your desire......

That's me......

A gift just like you are a gift to me......

Check out on IMDB now, enter my site headline on "Crank 2" news, they use my pictures there to promote the film, but the truth is my character she is so silly and stupid but at the same time she is so brilliantly sucking fantastic, she will make you laugh your nipples out so hard that you will ended up cry for 7days and 7 hours and 7 second......all year long and then you will forget all your misery then you will become her or me, then you will have a fantastic life from that point on, all you have to do is just to dance and laugh and showing your nipples and give joy to others, isn't it our duty in life on earth just to give and make others happy? I am delightful to be that role and to be in service for you.......

The pictures are here is from " Magic Man", not from " Crank 2", they are totally 2 different kind of woman, but they all carry the key to make you happy and laugh.......

A beautiful day to you......

Oh..... so delicious, You know I love vanilla latte......

Thank you for visiting me.......

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