Doing a TV talk show on Channel 18 LA living, Friday Oct.31 at 5:30PM also at: website: LA18.TV

Its crazy what I just did, fun talk show, I was talking really crazy on the show, about everything, life dream, movies, merrige and crazy stough but funny, anyway its a beautiful day in LA, just because the warm sun puts me in a very good mood, and want to share the happiness with you, yes watch me on the show ok? You will laugh......

And about to do another interview for Fox on some heavy topic about my experiences and opinions of naturalization and citizenship, I don't really understand those questions or words, too long and complicated' life should be simpler, well we will see what the road will lead me at that time then....... I always like to joke around its fun to make people laugh while you are asking them for their time, I like to make people happy, that is why sometimes I make fun of myself, its all a gift for me if I can make you laugh, I made a promise to myself, at least make one person really laugh every half day, you should try this too, start with one person each day, try every joke you can then see if she or he laughs, if not try sing a song like Bailing dose, or maybe he is deaf? Then dance a chicken dance, or if he is s near sited then show your nipples...........then with in a year you will be able to make 777 people laugh every day, then you did your job on earth of giving your gift to others.......

Don't call me crazy, because I am not? or because I am?......  

Have a lovely day.......

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