The hunted night.....

Here you go, I think you are all right.... Yes!

I actrully war not going to go, its fun but difficult to make the effert to dressed up and find the right outfit, I was getting my nails done and 2 girls next to me and recognize me and ask what I am going to do and go where tonight night, I had no clue then and just going to do nothing, of cause I got a few invites but none of them seemed interesting, and they girls are all exited and had their outfit ready and going down town some club going crazy, then I finished my nails and just happend next door is a clouth store, I felt strange lately, and trying to get out of a cloud, I went in and here is this bright orange colored cheetha standing in front of my eyes so beautiful, I was like wow..... Here it is what life prepared for me for tonight, so I brought this outfit and a smile and an excitment like a flash of blood coming to me and warmed my body and my face, I can feel the heat, I was immediately like a wild animal waking up, I knew I have to go out tonight and to some crazy party, but where and which one, just at the moment I was buy the cheetha a phone call come in: Bailing please come to the Halloween party, the biggest one the last one Mr. Haffner is giving in the playboy Mansion, and you are on the drive on list....." well normally you have to park your car somewhere then there is a shuttle transfer you up to him mansion like a delivery package, so I was the special one, then I was in the hurry to get ready and went for the crazy wild fun in the dark with my own bright sheetha light....

It was so much fun, it always fun and crazy the party up there in the mansion, especially the hunted house, I was so scared the whole time, the have dead people suddenly alive getting up from the bed, and all kind of monsters fly through the wall or from the corner or behind me, all in the dark, but so much fun,I laughed so much! Then of cause I danced and eat a lots of dessert.......

This was my night it all happend by accident at the last minutes, this is what is fun about life, it happens for you just like that, you don't really have to try, can you imagine how long it will take me to find the exactly the same outfit and how much energy and thinking and reserch and time I have to spend to find and how many doors I have to knock? and how long ago I have to star to shopping 187 days ago? But if I dare not to know and comfortable of left with nothing to do at all and no plans then I will receive my gift, don't give yourself gift, let life do its magic......
this is what happens to me yesterday and so much better this way......

This was my Halloween, flirt with the ghosts and stepped on the toes of the ghosts and watched them making love in the darkness light, and I was not scared but amused.....ghosts giving birth right way, as soon as they finishing orgazim, the little see through ghost baby is born.....magic....

All living beings are lovely kind fun creature, they are not dangers but of cause only if you are dangers then they sense the danger that's the moment they attack and hunt......

The election is coming in 2 days, who are you voting for?

I wish there is a better choice, someone is bigger than life and has the magic power to really lead out country to the greatest! Maybe by giving all of our power to the president we choose could achieve the greatest, that means that person has to be a open channel to us, whom does not have the eago but to litson and oby and serve, I think Obama is better that way, he is a cat but I wish he is a jaguar.......but I really like his wife, good energy...... But McCain? I don't know, he is like crokdine? how do you spell it? the dame word? or that pale animal that claiming the corner of the wall? just his energy makes me feel you can't fully trust him, he belongs to the time that has already passed us, but I am excited for the changing of America, hope with the Power of people the country will lead us to the light of better life and happiness and peace......

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