I should be the bond girl.....

Do you agree? I should be the bond girl and that would be so hot and I can totally seduce and kick ass, look what I did in Entrouge, she is so cool!

Anyway I would like to be the bond girl in the next bond film, that would be a cool gift that I can give and get.......

I am going to dream first, then the universe and you will manefast for me to make the dream into a reality and then I will use my magic to perform and seduce and kick your ass till you flip thousend times just like me directly to the moon!

Yes let's do it crazy Bailing, I am in!

I am going to the Bel Air film festival tonight to meet the bond people yes!

A lovely evening is yours my friend......

Smile with the real joy not the fake one, always remember, remember its your chance, maybe the only one, cherish it with all you have my dear.......

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