I paint myself a life painting.....

I paint a life painting Just for you.......for you only......

For you to show it to the world, for you to admire, for you to celebrate, for you to cherish, for you to be proud of, for you to smile, for you to enjoy, for you to be gently giving love to, for you to die for, because you are the same to me when you are your most beautiful self, when you are kind with a loving heart......

Be kind and loving to others then you will receive the same......

Snow just softly flying out side of the window, touched the glass, touched the sea, touched the moving lights, touched my eyes and my heart with music......

So beautiful sitting in a dinner table watching the sea, boats walking by quietly with its breathing......

Taking me to you.......to the dream in my heart.......

Walked in the snow to a local bar, small with loud music and smoke, tears warms me with its joy and far away thoughts......

Tomorrow another journey to its start fallows the rolling stone on the payvement to its mystery, another page unfold, unfold its beauty and unknown, unfold you and me, unfold life with its tender joy like a child learning to take the first setp to step her magic......

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