Wow....I did a Andy warhol painting? What a surprise........

Look what my camera did to me, makes me look like a comic hero, pretty cool, abstract painting too like Andy Warhol........

Wow I did a Andy Warhol painting, now I know his cecret, its just this simple, too much in the sun and exposed you camera lens long 24 hours in the bright sunlight in the beautiful summer time, so cool, but has to be in the right spot and right afternoon and right sea side, every thing has its cost also value.......

Love the obstract much more then just a normal picture, I have enough of them, maybe its time just for a change?

I think Andy Warhol is trying to tell me that, or maybe he is painting it somewhere near the sea........

Maybe my camera is tired of the normal pictures of me and he wants to paint me now in the blurred sunlight in California......

Well should I let him paint his way to his fantacy?

Or should I let Andy Warhol have his Fantacy and do his magic?
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