How can you avoid this?

This is what you do every day in Las Angeles, nothing eles you can avoid but not this, of cause you can have a driver but still you are in a car, I like driving because its fun and because you are in charge and because this is your life.......

My familys are fine in China of the after earthquke, I talked to my father for a long hour felt do happy, normally I don't catch him, but I got lucky. He asked me when will I be back to see his new house, I know he wants to see me.

Maybe in the fall I am thinking of visiting my home town in CHENG DU.

Life there is calm and nice, they are ready to watch the Olympic on TV, and excited.

Wish I was there for the excitment, no not the Olympic event but watch the Event with my family and eat the home cooking and a glass of the white rice wine and play Ma Jiang.....

Life is beautiful when you are with the people you care, ordinery is the the gift.......

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