This is where I am staying in Orlando

And in Hong Kong, and in New York, and in Paris......

It takes very long to change the color of my hair and to make it staight, you really have to do something in your mind to pass the time and keep the chair under you stable, I thought of earthquke, thought of the place I went for lunch, thought the hotel I stayed, what a contrast few hours can make and can change, I am really bord, in order not to go crazy, I suddenly hear the sound of my heart beeping and how easyly I can just close my eyes go to a dream, well at least I don't have to do it every day or every week, but people do come to the salon every other day, I look through all the gossip magazines backwords, right now I don't even notice what I was looking at, you know those magazings meant to be flip from the last page then forward, even that gets me bord, there are a few house wife here, they seemed very comfortable here and chat along about any topic any one is throughing on the floor, I see the stories rolling bigger and bigger, in the end it already lost their root and went to another road and no body even remembered where it started in the first place, like those gossip magazines don't make sence anymore, gossip--- funny people love to care, I am rolling with the stories of the Hollywood and rolling after the wife's hair changing color and shapes on the floor and falling asleep and forgot what color I originally wanted.

Red? Green? Or blue? Maybe all of the above plus pink?

I am going crazy here......

Another wife walks in with 3 baby, my god she is so loud! Why people call god when they are surprised? Or hear good news and bad news?

A gay guy walked in with a dog, I see all those images through the reflection of a big window glass in front of me like I am lost into a ghost world........

Rescure me...... Is this a Brian Adem's song?

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