I am on set again shooting " Crank 2"

Early again, but beautiful relaxed feeling when the sun just come out slowly, nice to get up early and have breakfast on set, a lot of people here today, and the scene we are shooting is the car flip me over, I don't know what's wrong with my charactor, she is trouble or running into trouble, but because of that she is so much fun to play with and to be with, because there is life and surprise with her all the time that excites me, trouble makes sparks, it explode into the sky and break into many pieces flying around the clouds like many kisses, but they are the color of pink, like the pink clouds that I took from the moon to earth, its a magic image and a magic world to me, just like life itself, paints magic every day in me and around me.

If you Just look and feel it is a magic day to you too.

Yes I forgot it is Saturday today, wow, am I suppsed to filming? But with film you never know, film breaks the routine of life, this is why I like it, because it also brings the daily freshness and the little innocent smile you can feel when you arrived on set and say hello to every one, and every one say helly back the same way, its life, simple and innocent, not much to it, but just life and breath of life......

Hope you have a lovely Saturday

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