I am making an album in Hollywood studio

Yes, I am very excited because I am making an album, for the last week I have done so many hot hip songs, watch out, you will be surprised, they are so good and so exciting and hot, it will rock your world!

Can't wait to share the songs with you.

I have been filming and recording none stop and haven't slept for 5 days, get up early at 4am filming, then after filming directly come to the studio recording till 2am, then go home for 2 hours then wake up again and go to set filming, any moment if I am not filming or recording I just immediantely fall in sleep, tough but worth it, how many people get to live in their dream everyday and doing the things they love to do? But I am lucky in this way, no complains, only greatful for the gift of luck.

But I am excited, excited to share it with you.

Again, have a wonderful weekend in where ever you are.

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