The sun is out just for 7 mins, what a seducer......

I wanted the sun to come out since this morning when I woke up, no since when I first landed my feet in the once rememberd the sunny warm and beautiful Vancouver, where is the sun? Its been snowing and raining ever since, but just when I put my thoughts away, the sun showed up, it finally did I can't really believe it! But just like the best seducer gives you the most beautiful flame of fire then its gone, for such a short time right on our break for lunch, it feels so good when the sun walked out of the room, every one is smiling, the whole set lighted up, but just as soon as I took off my heavy red jacket, a big shadow rushed from behide and took the sun away so suddenly, its like Christmas you mom handed you a gift you just extended you hand and haven't even touched it yet and then its gone, so so so sad.......

Today is the day I am going to say good bye to my charector Dede, she is a lesbian girl whom likes a girl and she did everything for her, I like Dede and really fond of her spirit and enjoyed being her for a month, by playing her will always leave a mark in my heart that there is a place always will be tender kind free and romantic, she makes me appreciate woman even more.

Famele is the gentle part of the human on earth, they carry light and color, they sing the melody of love either you hear it or not, I am proud to be one.

Thank you my Dede and I will miss you and the whole family of " Dim Sum Funeral " and the cold moody Vancouver......

My Last scene will be shooting this evening, I am saving it like a hot desert to the last, but just for me alone to say good bye to her my Dede......

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