
Just finished shooting right now, so tired, it was so cold the desert's night, as if winter was angry with the bright hot sunlight during the day and wanted to revenge?

I watched how the beautiful warm sun went home and the moon left home at the same time..... Sky changed color, desert changed its temperature...... lights, life, romance for a few hours of happiness lived in front of me , then it all went away so sudden left only the darkness stands just 2 house away watching me with a cold eye, shooting dances on our feet out side, but inside those litte rooms people just sleeping on the floor in the hall way or anywhere if there were a heater......

Closed my eyes, took my shoes off, turning left and right, fighting with the uncomfortable little cast chair on set waiting, and just when I about to start a dream, then there was the director calling me again, it was a long night till finally the sun had its rest and showed its warm face again.

Day lights blind every cornor of the desert, wind made a left turn as I walked into my hotel with my eyes closed, how am I going to sleep now? Will I wake up early or just sleep whole day? If so how can I sleep again this evening? Or, I just count the stars through my 17th floor window?

I remember when I was shooting "Shanghai baby" in Shanghai, I lived on the 38th floor in the hotel right above the Huang Pu river, many times when my film took my time and reality away, I always stood there nose touched the big window and wondering: what if one evening or early morning I just jump through my 38th floor window to the traffic jammed busy river? will it take me to where I supposed to go?

Falling sleep now, don't really know what am I writing, maybe I will write it all over again when I awake?

Good Saturday to you!

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