Travel in style........

This is how I travel with a car like that......fancy Cool and crazy, how could this be?........

Was I drunk in the Sunday morning? Or the sunlight and life and nature are drunk by me? Yes I am with you, drunk in life with you in it you with the fresh loving thoughts awake me once again you slipped in me so secretly so firmly so vividly and so lovingly sweet, passion in tenderness, no you would not let me leave, you would not let me leave to my journey........

I am so happy with the Sunday morning's freshness, with the new journey of traveling to a new.......

New York always hold the excitement of unknown for me, hold the colors that could blind my eyes, hold me another story, hold me a surprise, hold my thoughts about you........ Walking and lost in my steps looking and feeling for you.......

Another page, another level, another side of us together breath our insanity to the world to you.......

So excited so excited so excited about my unending openness like each breath of air is a new page of an open window, wind singing flirting my eyes...... what's the story inside? Where are you going to take me? And where are you right now???

Kiss me kiss life kiss love kiss the bright gentle yet crazy Sunday I am standing right now in your center.....

Live love laugh........

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