To you ------ a beautiful day

This is the picture I took the other day in my trailer, thought it was a Uniqe shot shows how mirror can reflects us by surprise just when you left the thoughts of your mind, I like the fantacy world or the world we don't realy see every day when your eyes are wide open, but when you close the beautiful window of your eyes, then you really opend the vision of your true world alone, like a secret river of moving lights and image......with the sound of the delightful spring birds. our eyes only designed to see what we see now, but the real world is so much more magical, maybe you think you are ware blue today, but you are actrully ware red, this is how different the real world could be, and it is a gift if we could let our wings open and our eyes rest till the state you are not aware of if you are seeing the world with your eyes or seeing it with the gift of you whole open universe......

Feeling I got a litte cold again in the cold and hot heat here in Albuquerque. But I want to wish Bai -Weii happy birthday in the beautiful blue island and sorry Ian about in Cannes, you know sometimes actress's life conducted on the fingers of the Producer's, next time come to me, I will take the bus too. Yes I will do a Q&A when my shooting is done and my schedule is More nomal. Thanks for the beautiful and kind words my friends and the yellow butterfly...... I am lucky to have your support and friendship.

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