Tha is the only moment I want to show you, the rest should be a secret, sometimes those life moments only meant to be in private, live in its own bed with blanket covered in a dim but beautiful light, this is life, sometimes it makes you feel you can only

Smile half way, and the other half no where to be found. This is what happend to me yesterday, no mater how much I would like to shear with you, its just not there to be found, shadow dancing around me, no matter how much I try, it just keep sliping from my breath, I can only smile with my mouth half open, evening comes I felt home sick, I did not like hollydays yesterday, it just reminded me the emptieness of the universe walked away, why soul feels such thing in such way? But still it left a still picture in me, printed there on the street of Santa Monica near the sea, I can always find it if I want that moment to breath. Life and lost life? Its in the moment of blink......
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