Foot massage so good and so relaxing after all this torture in the cold water shooting for the whole day and getting wet, especially my legs are wounded, they had to wrapped me like sausage with so many Layers on top of each other can't event bend my Legs

This is a young production, of cause it is hard to make a movie any where, in China makes it harder but special too, I can see and feel our yong team that eagerly want to make color their dream on a big screen and they are trying their best to do and to give their best. It is exciting to feel the energe and passion. If you care others they will give the same in return. I love to watch the real local life around me on set waiting when we are not shooting, people walking by even doing nothing, some of the men were there just watching us and squating there for an hour, life paint a beautiful painting in front of us every moment, you just have to watch with a excitment, I will say good night to you right now and see you soon, where ever you are, I want send a big hug and a smile..... Thank you for reading me!
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