Nothing can be more dangerous and sexy than this, Woman with guns? All you have to do is just close your eyes ......
I am So busy running like crazy, want to post more but no time, I even lost my car in down town and had to call the reporter, no you call it journalist to come to rescuer me from the down town Italian restaurant called Zacco? Where we supposed have lunch interview (forgot the restaurant name already). It was quite holarise( spelling?) I was running around on the streets like a crazy animal just could not remember where did I parked my car, you know work can take your life away from you and even your memories, it is very scary, its like there is this mischievous ghost child wants to confuse me and lead me to all kinds of valley way in the down town busy shopping district to buy some cloths and dresses that I don't want, I was like a lost tourist lost in Bangkok on the streets with all the colors of clothing hanging in the shops and up high all the way to the sky into the shinny sun, I have never shopped there, just I was early and driving by and was fancinated by it, the crazyness, those streets have the same charactors just like when I was in southeat Asia and very crazy exciting busy life loudly burning in front of your eyes like a movie set from the pavement to the white clouds......
Who knows what the writer is going to write, but I bit it never happend like this to him before, actress calling him to the streets to rescuer her and find her car? At that time I Don't even know where I was, that me is a little bit like the charactor Ria in " Crank 2" FIRE......believe me she is crazy and totally let go and very conformable in her own being and going extream...... . Lunch interview time has passed , well at least he had a work out before lunch, he did not drive but walked when I called.
The food was good there, he eat pizza so fast and asked me questions so fast, I eat chinken so slowly and answered him so slowly, maybe he was mad or in the hurry to catch a flight? No actually he is really cool, smart and handsome, his mind is so fast he asked me a question I haven't even answer yet he is already asking the next question, well he should just write the whole article by himself, no I am only kidding, he did listen, but his mind is good, I told him that his chips are very good and I need to upgrade my manuscript. you know this is what I like about life, surprises good or bad and I would say there is no bad but all good, " Its all good!!!!!!!!" I like the sound when 2 of my boy friends saying this sentence, sounding so cute.......
Its funny I don't know the person but I tell him everything and he has the right to know and ask me everything, actrully I don't mind, " Bailing you are so open and honest about your answers and so open to share about your life, not like any other people they never tell you anything......"
Well that's me, more and more open, I want to share and want people to get to know the real me, not the nipples slip one, but the real simple loving happy me, and want to share what I know and what I have experienced in life with you, because I know its a gift that I have the opportunity to share, to open my heart to you. A lot of people say: never trust a journolist, but I can't worry, I lived and breathed that moment of real life, that's what's important in that moment of life for me, being in the presence of life makes me happy, because I watched me alive.
Wind passing by send me leaves unfold a message with mood and color changing shapes, unsettled since I am back from San Francisco, don't really know why, my heart travels to the distance, to me, and to a hot romance......So much beauty.........I would just like to be there close my eyes and breathing, breathing life.......
I have been going out every night with my wondering heart, Right now I am waiting for friends to pick me up to club dancing and go crazy, suddenly time landed on my lap ask me to share with you my day and thoughts, more pictures to come when I go home, but wherever you are have a wonderful sexy evening, remember the nakedness dressed up like a beautiful woman in high hills walking out in the sexy Friday evening to allure your conscious, be careful my friend.......
A kiss to you for now......
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