These red roses are for you all my friends here , yes for you for coming to my naked dream world with a secret and a wish and a pure heart to find the nakedness in all........
Sorry been busy and as you see the pictures and you will understand.
Yes I am single now and with a fresh delight and an open heart smile to the world and to all of you, and I am ready for love for life for edventure for fun and for marrige and for you............but gifts have to come on their own, like the season within time, but I am excited each everyday when the birds singing in my window, with the ducks so impatiently turning the circle, with the sunlight already lift my curtain and revealed my and the world's naked desire for life, for love for a loud laughter and for your friendship, and yes, I am, I am just like you, with a desire open life to love to beauty to give and to serve, and mostly to celebrate life............
And waiting for a magic to light a brallian fire to burn me, to take me away......
Life is so beautiful so as your caring and love for me, I am really thankful for all of you have visited me all this time and leaving me comments, you are brilliant!
Going to San francisco this afternoon for the hot night of the car promotion and a lots of press for my movie, and its been none stop running chacing traffic to get to alll the studios all over the place do interviews, fun but running around all day in the busy streets of LA merged with modern life, exhausted, waiting for the red lights to turn even one-second faster, yes lets go! Always on go!!!!!!!!! like a race car driver.............with heat and hurry.......
But think of you all the time and wanted to post and to share it all here with you, but always behind running out of time, time......you know only in socity there is time, therefor we are limited always by time, time, but in nature there is no time, everything is in its slow motion comfortable and contend, it breath out its broken record but beautiful singing " don't rush hear th music........." in nature there is no time and then there is no loss there is no death but everyday a new birth of magic within the world within our heart........
I love you, all of you my friends here with me for real.
A big crazy smile
I will be posting the crazy event in San Francisco start from tomorrow........
Check this out, its crazy and hot!
The hot impot nights with Me
Do not stop visiting and posting my friends, I have gifts for you without you known it all the time.......