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This is the studio inside tour....... pictures on the wall, they had great guests over the years.......
You know what I learned tonight through the show, so many people have so many real problems, they are so young and have everything to enjoy life but why so truobled? And all the American adults seemed so elegant and educated, but why abuse their children? Why so many problems when you only have so much time to even live? Doctors madisons and so much time and energy wasted on the things that you obsoletely don't need?! Is it because you have too much free time in your lovely hand?
Well hard for me to understand when you have everything yet you don't even have the freedom and you don't even know how to enjoy the beauty that is in front of you and it is yours. When I hear those questions from those young kid, it was shocking to me because I learned that they are literally in serious serious trouble.......
But why? Yes I am asking them and you; But why?
Remember when I just came to this country in new York, so many homeless lying in the corner in the cold snow and asked me for money, I was like; if only I have your English skill and have your American passport, then I will concur the world!
I got nothings and they have everything but beg me for Money?
People never appreciate what they have till its all gone......
What is the real American?