Happy Easter every one......

Happy Easter to you all my friends!!!!! Please Eat a lots of eggs, and egg more......I don't really know what dose Easter mean, but any given day is a holliday to celebrate life and being alive and say I love you to all of you and to the world......

Lucky to be alive....

Just had an Easter brunch with my friend's family next to the beautiful blue sea, so beautiful nature sunlight and people, and the waves burst out its symphony, so pleasant in the early morning champagne....

Driving off to the wild animal park to chasing the wild cheetah right now, even if I don't find one but the thought of it is enough to makes me smile.....

This picture was taken last night when I was just finished a wild dance night off the Club in San Diego, it was so much fun! Out side the Club they have those bicycles that people ride you, and take you away, just like in Beijing, all over we have that, kind of fun, you ride through the back streets and to see the part of life nomally you would not be able to see, sometimes you peak through someone's house and bed room and suddenly saw something you are not supposed to see, then you passed or they have noticed and give you a dirty look and ready to have a big fight, I like life in that way, full of surprises and fun and the rawness of its truth..... I miss China I miss my parents especially when Holidays is smiling comfortable in front of my eyes, tease me, right now the sun light is touching my skin so warm no hot and feels so good and happy in nature driving in the dirt road like crazy with my crazy friends as if I was back to Tibet in those rough mountain road, actrully there is no road but the rocks and trees and unknown dangerious path......


Hope you are having fun and a pleasent Easter day with all the joy and wildness that you deserve and meant to have in your heart and out in the world.....

Breath, as life breath you.....

Send the beauty to you from where I am and I know you can feel the happiness is right now making love to and with the wild nature....

Yes, wild in the open sky naked......

Yes, Let's live......

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