Some one asked me what part of your body that you like the most, I almost said: my nipples. because that's what jumps into my mind first, the word come to my lips and my consciousness stopped me immediately as if I was the well trained soldier almost on the edge to get into a huge trouble; " be-heave!!!!!!!! "
Can you imagine if i said that? It was for a big popular magazine interview, if i really said that, then my nipples would really fallow me for a long time in all kind of printed magazines and Internet and TV comedy joke shows for a life time, instead my good girl spirit jumped out so fast said out loud almost blind the jouralist; " I mean No, The eye! No 2 eyes baby, 2! No No baby just one eye, no no no, I mean 2 eyes are the beautiful windows of our human soul, No 1 eye, did I just said 1 eye or 2 eyes? But what I really mean is the eyes, No no are the eyes, I mean the big 2 eye crossed with each other, from each other, as 2 people a man and a woman making love, love, love more baby......No why am I talking about love, did you ask me something about Love? Yes love baby, Love in the first sight......is it? How could that be? Love is blind like a blind man is about to hit the also blind wall, yes, just go for it baby, no pain no gain, yes go for it baby, hit hard, hard as if you just eat a huge steak, yes I am hungry for some , some......what am I hungry for? I forgot, did you just knocked my empty head with your blue eyes, yes, thats it, the eyes are the soul mate are found by your question, what/ I forgot my steps, how many have taken already, you mean the medison? What kind? eyes is so pure can not have sand, not even just one little tiny drop....." " Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! baby glue! " "Whats wrong with your brain?!" "Stop! Can't sleep!" "We are in a serious interview don't jump around!" " I did not jump around, what are you talking about?" " Brian, do you have a brain?" " Hi what is brain? Do we really need one? For what? " " You are crazy, I was just dreaming of my hot ice cream and your loud voice wake me up like a storm!" " What the F....night mear problem all of you idant!' " " You shot up earth people!" " Earth people? You think you know better? go back to your moon to dream find your brain then come back and then we can have a intelligent convertible, " " What?" " No I mean conversation!" " don't wast my time I am in the hurry to find my memory to pee...." " What the F..!!!!!!!!" " Its in the middle of the night coffee time talk show on the air again my sleepless wondering soulmate baby blue cowboy shoes, just 1.......
How are you?
This is how my 8 little spirits talk and argue sometimes in my sleeping bag, crazy but fun..........
Yes, I am going to get picked up in 1 hour and half to do MTV radio tour and still up in the dark air, air has no color right? Or is air pink like 2 roses in my friend's garden?
Please if you may Read what is below as I am opening my not only my eyes, but the eyes of my heart my soul my sense my fire and my nakedness like a smoke alluring slowly touches you, your dream and your world, lets dance, sh...don't talk too loud, just give me your hand and dance........in the dark, in the light, in the space between us.......in our heart........ air in our eyes........
San Francisco Chroncile
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Don't judge but breath your joy ...........
Whispering, your melody..........