So Sexy......
Anyway just my thoughts, in the out night crazy evening as it is right now, lights, color, alcohol,strange perfume......, few of the big bobs girls just passed by me, I always believed that if someone likes you, I mean really like you, then your breasts are not the key, if that is the key, then is the wrong guy that you are involved with, heart and soul the person's good nature possitive thinking happy spirit mean so much more......
But you can have fun like me...... For parties in a sexy night, because we add a vision to the romantic and poised scene for the eyes and for the moving images of our illusion to touch the untouchable fantacy of our secret dreams, unfulfilled things are always stay alive forever.....
That way We call it dream.....
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Driving always in LA
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The perfect little black bikini... but at $120 can it really make you look like Bar Refaeli?
The catwalk beauty, who is dating Hollywood superstar Leonardo DiCaprio, shows off the skimpy swimwear in a new ad campaign for US surfwear firm, Hurley.
Source :
The nakedness...........

Naked, the nakedness that you can not see, the nakedness that you can almost feel, feel on the other side of the screen floating the nakedness that is you and your flame of thoughts, color and romance, want to be free, on the cliff, almost fall......
Naked, naked our evening, city life lights the nakedness, traffic......
naked our soul......that openness suddenly wild opens a fire light our dreams with the blessing of being alive at this very moment......
With you......
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Weekend passed by with the fun memories of the new port beach film festival ......l

Its nice to turn back memories because they are just memories, mostly there are all fun and delightful slow motion images as you close your eyes you will see their movement, it almost like they are swimming in the water or swimming in the light on their own joy of happiness to just live in the moment of Darli's painting, joy melts in the heart of the sun.......
Remember only beauty because this is how life started, because this is how your heart wants it to be, and this is how your heart will remember, simple, powerful........ shadows left when you don't want anything in return but give only......
I had so much fun in the festival, danced like crazy, had 5 friends drove in style along the happy blue sea to new port beach with a fancy car, loud music.......we went crazy in a new town that is not our home, we are all free, danced, danced more with all the cameras flashing following like shinny ghosts's eye lights going nuts, wondering any of the footage is going to land in some one's pocket, then TMZ is going to once again making fun of Bailing, but I am still going to dance, dance all the way dance all I have, the truth is that I dance beautifully, my body moves me, and the earth's energy moves my body in to the homonym(spelling)........there is no good or bad in dancing, but the connection you manifested, yes earth and sky are all in your hands just like that suddenly when your body and soul are on fire lighting on the dance floor.......
This is how it should be, this is how you do things, extreme, all the way........
Mid night express coffee radio station once again whispering to your right ear with her husky sexy voice......
Wake up! yes wake up baby, I am here for you my sleepless baby..... join me at 3:39am on earth right here.......
with me
Beverly hills interobted by.....
Have a wonderful day my friends.
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Guess where am I from?
And my crazy friend driving in the topless car in the wind and sun is just so pleasant ....
My friend just helped me signed up the twitter, follow me on realbailing, well its new and don't know how to send pictures yet, wow I am afraid people are just going to be on their blackberry all day long, and missed real life.....
Oh, is this where modern life lead us to? Connected but disconnected from?
Hot wind nice on the road to home, do I have a home?
Hope you are having a good Sunday baby....
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This is what I am doing now....
Will share with you more about last night in the screening and the crazy face, no dance party.....
So much fun in new port and people loved our film and you will too......
Sending you happiness from the crazy side of the ocean, yes the blue sea is following me on the road, so are you, because I am following you.....
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Ready for my premiere here in New Port beach.....
Ludilo do Jaja......
Can someone understand, I don't, hope its nice.....from my brother to you for now.....
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Pieces of my dream......

Life takes turns as I am turning your way to chase and live in my dreams like many moving images none stop turning pages even if I was still trying to see the color and the shape and a person and a sound, the page just turned and it is forever...... sometimes I can't remember or know what has happenned then it is already a shadow in the beautiful sun casted a magic mark on the ground so deep and sureal.........vanished.......
This is life, a life to me, fast like a race car with no sound no break in the desert, dusts fly far away, like in Tibet my over sized army hat take away once again by the hash wind following the dusts off to the cliff landed on a monkey's head 13 of them...........
I have been traveling and working and enjoying life romance and fun, went to the cochoella in the hot burning sun desert, lost on the road fell asleep while my friend is driving, dreamed the stars dressed up and walked down the stiras from the sky, like my 8 little mini skirt spirits to me, to the open land, they are running with their laughters, none stop, no matter how tired I am, they still fresh as if they just woke up from a beautiful long rested dream with so much energy, I have been tired, but on the road of my journey still had so much fun, so much, there is never enough of time, time...........
Going to New port beach film festivel tomorrow for my movie "Dim Sum funeral", they are going to feature our film as the center piece, premieres and after party event, if any one of you down there come to see the movie, it is a totally different kind of movie than " Crank 2", its a story about relationship, about love and forgiveness, as if there is a glass wall between people, you know its there the wall, but you can not see it and say it, but you know its there you just can not walk through.....
This film opens in selected theaters on may 8th.
As for my boy friend, its always a mystery to me, I am not sure where I stand right now, but I don't have a boy friend, just meeting people and enjoy the beauty when someone makes my heart smiles......
But I do want a real relationship, not some one who wants to be a star likes the fame. Its hard to find the pure heart, its hard to trust.
But either way I will still be the same person with my happy soul, dance on my road with laughters sending to you one by one every day, hope you will hear it and catch it and enjoy the same happiness as I do, laugh with all your heart, because this is all we have the moment of joy of life that we have been given with a gentle smile.......
Have a beautiful Friday and I will be posting a lot from new port beach, its a beautiful place where I am going, near the sea, I can almost hear the loud sound of the waves dancing on the rocks......
Still if you have not seen " Crank 2" yet, hurry check it out, you will not be dissupointed, because Ria will make you laugh the hell out of it for sure and take your hand jump off the cliff together to see the blue butterflies beneath the sea
A big smile to all of you my friends, thank you for visit me here always, thank you for your kind words and caring, it meant a lot to me more than you would know.
The show will air 6 time a week on TV, TV GUIDE CHANNEL DESTINATION: "TV Watercooler", and so much more to follow to share of what have I done this weekend,
It was crazy, in the dark in the long long vast dark dessert chasing after a hot party lost on the road with the evening unfold deeper and deeper to its future and birth....... chasing a party? That sounds crazy right? But that's what I do sometimes when I am tatolly out of my mind, its not about the party, but the journey of chasing a ghost or a shadow or the beautiful stars and the mysterious moon, a butterfly or you and just you, your beautiful love..... its so so beautiful the desert, endless, the earth exists only on a single road, far, deep..... running in its beauty and spirit vast like the deep dark sea naked all the way... into a mystery of unknown.......
I was so so so tired, lying in the sun burned and have to must chesing after something or do something to the extreme..... Yes in the dark or in the burning brightness with my skin turned into gold my eyes blind and my brain lost far away behind the wheels so fast like the whirl wind......
My 8 little spirits? They are dancing on the horizon with their high hills on the edge of a sharp blade made by the golden sun ......
But life is just so simply beautiful with all it has as I am smiling to you right now, what a beautiful sunny day it is in front of me anxiously awaits me to play to dance and to flirt with my total nakedness, I am so happy just for the fact that I am alive and breath life breath joy and breath you...... All the way.....
Send you happiness on the road..... The desert, vast like a gentle fresh rose scented sheet unfold a new born infant.....
Have you seen " Crank 2" yet? You have to, its going to drive you insane, I am like a fastest race car with no break going crazy on the edge of the cliff with the song " You drive me crazy......", can you imagine that baby?
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