Just a thought, can you imagine how cool and funny that would be? Bond hot sexy girl with her funny can not stop laugh mom Roxanne Barr? I don't know her, but someone says she is a famous comedian, and if she does not like you she can be so hush, but she was very nice and trying to take picture of us and came out only capture half of her face and my nose, it was funny, funny strange in the old but rich casle kind of place, so many strange earth people hanging around and trying to be the expensive ghost and warring expensive jewelrys, they just put the jewelrys on me and her to take pictures, feeling very strange sometimes, I don't even know why or how I just let it happen? Why would I take pictures of the Jewelry is not mine? Pictures and cameras and talk to another camera about what ever came to my mind, I dress very elegent lately, just feel like to, and a lady asked me: "wow, you look beautiful, I am sure you will be in the best dress list, then you must be happy." I replayed: "be honest with you I don't care at all......" Then she says: "yes as long as you are in the magzines right?" I don't like her atitude, How Funny people just asume things because that's how their mind faction, but my mind is set differently, often times I explane and they don't believe me or not even litsening because that's not how their mind spinning and they can not see beyond their near sighted glass view, the world is big and people live differently and have different perspective on things, obviously I am not from here people often don't understand me then they call me crazy, but its very simple for me and they way I live, life just like the joureny of the dance floor, lights change music change wind change then the melody of my steps change.......I am not a cording to anyones rules but my own free spirits......
Sometimes its depressing how people trying to corner you so badly and always from the negative point of view, I met 2 people last night talking to me like that in witch I don't like their energy, stay pure and true to yourself is hard but the only way other wise you will become a little invisible dust, wind will blow you away to the cold and dark place in witch you will be lost forever with the rest of the dust breath each other.....
Be kind to your heart then you will learn to be kind to others.......
I put the red top of my car down like I am undress a sexy woman, her nipples enlarged in the sun, drive through the beautiful Hollywood with the loud music of my own song feel the hot water of the showre running through my naked body and desire for you.....
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