I am in the lot of Sony picture for 007

Its fun here in the screening of 007 that Sony organized with Coco Colo and others that I don't really know, some award winning or something......before I came here I have no clue is 007, somehow I got messed up with the film festival witch is tomorrow, going crazy my mind traveling hope I did not get another ticket of driving.......
I will be in the next 007 movie someone said to me, yes that should be so much fun right?

But I did not stay for the movie because I promised someone...... Promise? Where is this word coming from? Do animals promise each other? Yes they do by nature by muture understanding and by trust in silence, very deep, I was watching my Qiji today and just realized she actully does not talk but only in silence, can you imagine her world? Just lying there whole day play with her little toy and passed time? What does time mean to her and the animals, I think I will go inscan......

Nice hanging out a little chated with people from Sony and from Coco Colo, they all dressed in suite looks the same like how we Asin people to others, how strange you talk with someone you don't really know or maybe will never speak aging, last conversation in life, pretty cool! Paris Hilton was here with her guy walk through the lights........Hollywood......how did I end it up here with all the strangers?

lots of fans are here ask me to take pictures with them, they are all in uniform you really can not tell who is who, maybe they are all FBI agent and trying to get information about something very important to report to Obama but out of the wrong person, one women look at me with her big eyes and happy smile and telling me she saw me on TMZ all the time, then the other guy was there chat with me says: No she is a fucking talented actress Ok! To void fight I told her that TMZ trash me all the time, she says no they like you, they trash every body, but kind of like you, anyway I don't watch nothing so I know nothing, just hope people having fun doing their job and hope I just add some beauty or craziness to make the moving or still painting hot and sexy and glamoroius, then I have done my job.......

I told some of the press about my own movie today, just so excited about my own creation......

I don't really know what I am talking about right now, somehow the coldness of the winter and the holiday season and the end of the year just bring me so close to human that I actully feel kind of sad......

A earth person told me If you are in love on earth you should have everything and all the attention and all the way of that person, and he or she will do anything and everything in his or her power for you to make you happy, just for you and he or she will give the best of himself or herself to you with no reservation, But how come I don't have that?
Question mark???????.......circled me, especially my nose.......like in my movie sausege would do.......Sausege is a lasbien character in my movie who is in love with me, love to have sex and also give me poison and question mark everything I say, but my movie is not about lasbien, but relationship, she is my editor's maybe faverit, because my editor is a man.......

New years is tomorrow or some one's birthday, happy birthday my friend......

Blow you a candle kiss.....