Just had an interview with a british TV.....

Some how don't want to talk today too much, don't know why? Lost somewhere?

I sang my song in the interview, "clog yourself" you trash me you call me slut, your trash me you call me slut, I stuck in the space between your thoughts......."
You will hear it, its going to be a big hit, every one in the interview room is singing it with a happy laughter.....

He was ask me about "Star Wars" and "Play Boy
" and asked me if I can only choose one of them who would I choose to have dinner or drink with? Tough question right? What do you think?
Of cause I choose them both why not?

Feeling sad for some reason, crazy how my mood changes like the weather unpredictable........

Night falls, fire lights, dangerous allure awake covers the city with its color.......

Cold..... Hot......

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