Hot pic......

When you are so tired then camera can not capture the magic of the soul anymore, so you should throw the camera into the other side of the cliff, and far away from the soul from me from the things that you can touch, I like the image when you cannot find me or me the one I can't recognize, Yes they are still me, my 8 little spirits trying to confuse me and take my life away and blind me and give me a shot then I will never remember of yesterday, one minutes ago and tomorrow, but why remember? Time left, died and meaningless like the past we are trying to hold on to, like love we must kill when its perfectly shine like a magic, because you can't make it more than magic, you can't go beyound where only death is shine in the beautiful near future that is already under your feet and saying "I love you!"

This is an great idea we have for a movie with a director I just met, he write me such a nice e-mail, its nice to see and feel the passion about something and someone you believe, and this is all we have: believe, dream, then magic will emerge......

I am delightful that he wants to change the lead role into a female...... Nice energy, and it will be so much more powerful and dangerous......

Through death, love will live, this is the believe that my character has in the story......

Do you believe it?

My movie "Dim Sum funeral" is at the AFI and is coming out soon, and of cause my own movie is coming out soon, the one I directed and produced and wrote and star in it with my 8 little lovely truble making spirits, I am submitting to film festivals, it is going to be the hottest one coming in 2009, lets see where she is going to lead us, but I believe in magic, because I made a magic, the movie is so hot and hip and sexy and funny and unique it is called " Nipples---- pieces of my dream"...... watch out my friend, its going to shock you and at the same time it will make you laugh and cry and stand up and scream.......

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