realbailingYouTube BAI LING talks about Michael Jackson Vision Awards at Beverly Wilshire Hotel June 27 http://bit.ly/zobvR -
I am so happy that I have so many friends visiting me here, Wow, so many comments, good and bad, I see those negative comments shows how unhappy their souls are, like dark train, when someone started, suddenly they all come out from a shall and followed......... Sad.........
I am sorry my friends even thou I am so happy that you visited me, but why so sad and bitter and unhappy and angry? why trying so hard to trash me? The truth is that your negative thoughts and words can only hurt your own soul not mine, have you realized it only shows how unhappy and sad you are, and how negative and shallow you are, even you hide behind the screen on the other side in the dark, but still you know when you see the lights, its beautiful, why not let the lights shine? Why not also find your own inner lights to shine instead of trying to take off other people's lights? The truth is you cannot, you don't have the power and magic to turn off the sunlights, you are in the shadow so far behind.......
I am glad that my lights revealed you and your shadow so you can see it yourself through your words and your thoughts on my blog, it only shows your own rather dark and ugly negative soul that is disturbing you...... I feel for you I really do, just hope that through my blog you can slowly see yourself and feel shamed about yourself and eventually I am sure you will learn to admit it and then to be able to be kind and gentle to your own self, only then you can begin to understand and experience happiness.........But I do have faith for you!
Be honest with you, you cannot hurt me, not even a bit, it proved long ago, I am still and will always be beautiful talented sexy intelligent delightful loving and happy and enjoy every single moment of my life, and joyfully dance on my journey with a happy smile and a happy heart every day, this is my nature and my power and my magic that nature give to me, I am made of light, love and happiness and magic, so give it up, its a mistake to try to bring others down because your own unhappiness, instead why not lifting yourself up to the lights? learn to appreciate, I have achieved so much and loved so much and given and experienced so much of the magic of life, when I think back of my life its really a magic, I have crossed mountains, blue sea, fire, water and all the way to come to you and to come to my dream, I am so grateful and happy, and so want you to find your happiness and magic road, why not you try to find your own potential? Give something, achieve something, Happy successful people don't try to put others down they lift them up, hope I am doing that for you, even some of you trying so hard to bring me down, but still I believe there is a diamond in you, beautiful, find that, shine in your own way, learn to be happy for others successes.
This blog is for me to share with my true friends and the ones wants to be inspired and want to lean and experience and want to be brave in their own life to find happiness, and whom want to see the beauty in life in the bright positive perspective with their own magic to be descoverd, and I am going to continue showing and sharing the light, the life, the things that I understand and experienced, the beauty that is in me as nature's gift, yes I am living in my dream and you can to in a beautiful way.........
There are many of my readers I know, I know that you have never post a comment here, but I know you are there, I know you are reading it, I know I can and I have already helped you when you needed courage comfort love and hope, I am glad I could and my blog could help in a positive and simple way, and by you understand me even in silence it encouraged me to continue serving you, to continue sharing with you the knowledge and the beauty of life. We have the same gift that is life, lets use it well, use it to make the world a better place for us to breath the beauty and to love each other.
For those whom so angry and dark and negative, as I said once before, please you can simply just leave my blog with a grace, why even bother to be here? You don't need me as my blog dose not need your support, but instead realize the unhappiness in you and find your own way and time to heal, and you need to, for my blog I am going to continue, even if just only for one person and I am going to be here for you.......
Thank you for the support to those are my true friends, my life is a really beautiful life just like yours.
Say good words, think good thoughts, even just one good word one good thought a day, take the negative words and thoughts out of your life, then you will see the changes in your life, then you will see and experience the real happiness.........
I wish you well and you will find your light while you absence from my blog, you don't need to pretending to be someone eles, but just be you, and I am waiting and welcome you back when you are cabeble of giving love and possitive spirits to the world and to you.......
Have a lovely day my friends.
realbailingYouTube BAI LING talks about Michael Jackson Vision Awards at Beverly Wilshire Hotel June 27 http://bit.ly/zobvR -