Wow this is so beautiful.....
Can you breath the stillness?
Life and nature stopped me once again without me prepared, I was not going to send this to you, it is not on my mind, but I had too, this is not where I live, I don't know this street, first time in my life that I landed my feet here in a strange place on earth, but so delightful, I am just passing by this morning before I go to work like hundreds of people and cars do, but the purple, the color and the scent, the softness how the flowers tenderness landed from the tree gently with their flouting mini skirts and touched, touched the ground with no sound, it stopped me just like that, they coverd the whole streets 8 blocks far, and colored my eyes with its tenderness, I felt lucky......
I always stop when I saw the color, amazing how it blooming, it opens the sky wide with a brightness. the light purple like a gentle kiss, what a beauty, but where it come from? What kind of the tree is it? What's it name? Why are they here?
But it made me smile, so I want to share it with you when you are on the computer reading me, but it is the purple the leaves and the trees you should read now, because I know it will give you a smile just like I am now.......smiling with the beauty of life.......
I might not find this street again, the purple might be taken away the next day, but it colored the garden of my heart with its gentle spirit and it is there forever......
This is life, this is the beauty of life, gift of beauty everywhere if you are willing to shaft your thoughts, shaft your look, if you are willing to stop as I am right now and just to breath......
I could stay here for the whole day, just stay and send the smile the leaves of the flowers the gentleness to everyone that is passing by.......
Yes, Now I am sending it to you.......
So excited, I am shooting another movie this week, another one new, this time she is s very different character than My powerful Black, Black has power and mystery and she is very dangerous, but not her, this time I play a victim, she is heroin addict, sad but beautiful, she sees the beauty in life but too far for her to reach...... As if those beauty just like the far away sound from the otherside of the mountain......
They are calling me and have to go, but will write more later and more pics that I supposed to send.....
Big smile.....
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