I am waring the bright red lips for the first time, do you like?
This is how did I begain my trip, with a red hot kiss........
look what color can do to a picture or to life, its all because of the perspective, just like right now, I was perfectly planing to show you all the pictures of my crazy crazy trip and all the crazy crazy wonderful stories, but the light changed my direction suddenly and totally, and I have just to follow, follow my red lips changing colors and changing romance.......
Romance of my crazy weekend?
But among all the colors which one strikes you?
I will share with you of all the pics and stories of my trips on my next post, but now I would like to share this with all of you my dear friends:
Wisdom comes only when you stop looking for it and start living the life the Creator intended for you, live it with a smiling heart and a joyful soul......
Take chances, make mistakes, that's how you grow, that"s where the joy dances for you. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave.......
If we can stay awake when our lives are changing, secrets will be revealed to us------secrets about ourselves, about the nature of life, and about the eternal source of happiness and peace that is always available, always renewable, and it already is within us.
Loving yourself is just a first step, I believe the real joy in life is when you can really have that union with another person, another person you can look into the eyes, yes the real joy is to creating a life that is bigger than one person alone can create......
Death is a beginning, not an ending. When mortals fear death, they are only holding on to their memories, all that is ever lost are past images that should be let go of, take the Wizard's view and welcome all losses, for each one of them signals new beginning. Just loosen your grasp and remember that whatever you hold onto is already dead, because it has passed. Die to every moment and you will discover the way to everlasting life......
Have a lovely sweet Sunday"s evening and a bright new Morning with the delightful clean fresh air has just opened the clouds and you can see miles of the far away distance over the mountain and other side of the blue sea where 2 lovely little children one boy and one girl hand in hand dancing into the bright sun, a new week where new life is giving birth and gently entering your breath with a beautiful smell, and a smile...........
With Love.............
For you................