Which 2 premieres? Of cause you know am I right?
This is where I was yesterday and the studio I have been maybe 3 or 4th time already, thats my little room for rest, then there is a make up room, green room with food in which I did not go this time, because I did my make up myself and had desert already, and have no patient for make up unless it is for a movie, I can't stand like 2 hours of make up just for an talk show, I would rather do something eles or nothing at all just let the air walk through, anyway the studio is cool you will see when you watch the show, audience are already waiting on the line out side of the studio before I walked in in the bright california sun,very exciting, it was me with 2 comedian guests, they have been in the show for many times because they are funny, one man and one women, the man also writes for the show, but I was someone coming out of no where of suddenly landed on their table ( I might as well landed from the moon with a mini skirt) trying to make people laugh, actually , I was not going to try anything because I really don't know how to make people laugh, it makes me nervous when they all came and waiting for the show to begin, for me is that if I am suddenly aware of things then I get scared, but if I don't know anything then I am just naturally fine and delightfully funny, human beings intimated me somehow, I should have just run out to the wildness like my beautiful cheetah and just run for miles and miles till I get to the far east my home town...........the spicy hot- pot and dumplings is what I miss, well but there is no time and you just have to be there, plus what the topics are is not something that I am familiar with, my life seemed far from what is happening in the world of intertimeint business in hollywood, yet that I am fitting with in just fine strange I am actually sitting inside in the heart of hollywood
( sounds exciting suddenly when I think about it) actually I add a lot of elements there that is alien and out off their mind, something fresh, odd? I don't really know what I am doing but they laugh and think that I am funny, maybe they make fun of me I don't even know, but it dose not really matter to me, I was just there having fun. and love to make people laugh and make them happy, my gift in this world is to give joy to people's heart and make them laugh and cry even when they are off the studio off the silver screen walking along the beach on the white soft sand still their laughter in tears still echos...........
Its a lazy weekend for me suddenly I got my time back to myself and to do what ever that is I want, so much time in my hands, wow how lucky I am.
Just want to say hi to all of you, I had a date last night with someone who sings music, as you know I love music........
Still want to get married this year, but how? I know I am crazy.
Good luck to Bailing but don't forget to watch her this coming Monday on E! at 11pm Chelsea lately, she wil delight your heart and spirit.......
You will see when you watch it, I was crazy, I mean crazy..........
I like Chelsea, because it sees easy for her, when things seemed easy there always some magic...........
A smile just before you eat your desert, before you take your vitamins and before you are ready to make a phone call to me.............
My movie opens on the 12 of June " Dim Sum funeral " watch watch watch, watch how I seduce a woman and a monk..........Yes!