Feeling a little strange and a little sad, don't know why, just my mood swings like the waves touched by the evening wind, no thoughts just have to fallow and swing, feeling a little lost for some reason, guess I am just way too sinsitive sometimes, wish I could feel less and care less, but that is not my nature, I feel and care for the beautiful things in life, the real things, even there are small, there is no big life or small life, if there is life, then it is big, what a magic life is, I alway always feel lucky to be alive, because of life we have the opportunity to play to work to love to dance to give smile every single day, and to live for the moment of life, to just be there breath, and most importantly to be thankful. Yes this is what I should do, to give and forgive. When you are not in your comfert zone, or you don't get what you want, that is the moment the shadow slips in, but that moment is the shadow's place but not yours, so be wise and stay away from it, then you will alway be in the sunlight. Sunlight------ what delightful beauty, it is in the air, it is on the sky, it is in your eyes, it is actrully only in your heart, like a smile, you have it, you make it and you give it to all. Good night my loved ones. A gentle kiss
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