In break between shots, my leg hurts so bad, so bad, it got infected, swolen, and we are shooting whole day in the water, they wrapt me like a sadwich, and it is really hot here. The boots they give to me was sharp that is how did I cut my legs, 7 places the skin are all gone, look scary, how I will be ok and not have faver. Anyway i am so much looking Foward to the evening, after shooting take a hot shower and change into a fresh cloths and walk out in Beijing find a cool restraunt, just chill, I want and love breath life when I am not working. And of cause I would want to tell you Shonia's story when my soul is quiet and not in this kind of mentolly mass place confused with my charector, my charector is cool, but she is on a different journey, wild and trampt......I wish I could tell you more about Beijing, about the life here, but I need to work, but I will, because China is so fascinating! They are calling me to set now......
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