It is hard for me to write to all of you about my visit to the hospital, when you live a happy and heathy life, the rest is like a dream so far away in the fog. A young and petit lively woman dressed in a purple Indian dress curly hair with a tremendous enthusiastic greeted me at the entrence of the hospital, she waited a long time for me, because of the Beijing's heavy traffic, I was late, the hospital is away from the buzy city, it is just like the life between the city and the hospital, they have nothing in common, except the air we brath, not even that, the air srounded the hospital seems purefild, dusk light give the hospital a sound of a melody, close to a temple where the monk lives. Pretti and a few doctor lead me to a VIP room, we waite and waited, "where is Shonia?" I asked, Pretti lead me to the hospital hall way then we entered a small room......
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