Sorry its been a while I have not shared my world with you in Texas (did I get it right Texas? ), I have been lost in excitement of life film and creation, I have been busy, I have been lazy, I tango with my character with so much fun and excitement, the real excitement of making completely a new and crazily passionate character alive, yes she is so crazy so funny! but I love her! With no passion there is no life! She is so hot with a great style and what a intelligent sexy modern day boss with many mysterious colors and tempers that I give to her persona, the one you will never seen in real life whom has so much power and joy but I hope someone see her on screen will be wanting to be like her in real life, someone in our real world will have the magic power and the confidence to show the world the real successful beautiful woman in the high end of men's world today to all of us and make us so proud.
Women have been treated poorly in our society, I think its because we limit ourselves to look up at men, to look for their light to guild us. But where is our own magic light? the magic that makes men worship us? We each has a unique magic just as an each individual creature like all the different stunningly individual animals that we so admire, but we must find our magic light and show it to the world, this is what I am giving to my character, make her a possible, make her a beautiful intriguing figure that you obsulotly love and admire, and she is a possible, she is there in front of you shinny her brilliance.
Its hard work but so much fun, I am having my best time, and when you have fun then you know you are doing the obsolutely right thing. long hours on set, waiting, and watching, watching the Austin's sky change color outside my trailer, watching the sexy evening of the city coming alive, watching the huge clouds like a army troop moving to the north and south, watching the bright sunlight break through, watching the rain drops arrive and departure, wet and dried the land, watching a huge rose garden opens with its red burning fire............ watching, watching my character shows me her magic and make me so proud............watching the freeway moved away 8 blocks feather from me in the evening lights............
And watching, watching how the earth breath its freshness, watching the delicate moon sitting comfortably up high in the clear sky watching me and you with joy...........
Watching, I am watching you as you are watching me...........