check it out:
I am going to be on Howard Stern show tomorrow early morning 7am, kind of scary as I am thinking about it...............
Walking east side up town to a lunch meeting in the sun in a perfect morning, Yes it is so pleasant that i forgot that I have 30 blocks to dance the streets, but I love it, I do not get to walk at all in LA or in Asia, but choosing by walking made my heart jumping on the busy streets in New York, like a mischievous child I walk I run and I dance, nobody noticed no body, not even myself noticed myself, we all lost in a thought we all think we just had it right there in front of us, right there just now and its so important, but what is it? its gone, where did it go just now my thought???
Walking alone in a crowd feeling so free and happy, I just ran through a red light, and run though another one I determined, what a beautiful fun game i am playing with myself, I dressed all kinds of colors on my body, looks like those funnky japanness girls flashing their dresses, no like my 8 little mini with their short short mini showing off and yes, flashing their short short mini skirts right now, to my lover...........and to you..........
Sunny day landed once again, by walking my feet feel the earth's roughness and crazy unsettled temper......shouting loud to the open sky and to our blind ears............
I am trying to capture the perfect moment in life with the lens in my hand not far while I am walking in the hurry to make my meeting on time, while time is just openning up its lazy wings, just clicking the sound of a smile, just looking directly at me at this very moment like invisible smoke.......tentative....... even to touch my speed of waking running and dancing, But I can't I CANNOT capture the perfect moment I wanted so much no matter how hard I try, shooting myself by the movement of dancing walking running make it even more hard, no it is impossible!..... yes Impossible!!! But this is life we are living in, no stopping for the perfect wish in our desire, time will not stop, there is no no choice but to living and walking and dance in the moment while its happening and breath in whatever it is that moment has to offer, just as that moment shortly firmly and quickly already passing by us just like you blink your lovely eyes right now without even noticed.......gone.........
and forever.........
What can we do? In life? In love? In work? in our mind and heart? In a perfect moment that we so wanted it to be?
Today's quote for you from Bailing:
We are lucky to be alive, live the moment and we will breath and find the beauty just as it is, there are nothing more or less, its just so perfect.
" Are you lost......?"
The tall elegant gentleman just text me..........
This meeting is about my book.
Delightful a smile returned me to my moment of life.
Yes my friend, let me take a pause, to wish you A PERFECT moment as you are having it now.
A smile..........