In the sky there is sunlight also there are tears.......
For the last few days, everywhere I go, everyone I talked with, on TV, news papers, in the air you breath, is all Michael jackson, I have a few friends who are his friends and closely worked with him, we all talked about is him, his magic and tragic, his mystery and his beautiful music, the world is shine with his light and his magic......
everywhere in the air, echoes the sound of the beauty and the magic of the world's pop king Michael jackson.........
As sad as it is, as beautiful as it is, even children knows him and his music, they lip singing every his songs on the beach in the sun this weekend while I was lost near the sea.........the earth is full of happiness of joy that michael brought us.......
Echoes far away his music through our soul, travels cross the sea the sky...........
Michael jackson made me understand the magic of the magic........
There is only one Michael Jackson, if there is life, then there is Michael jackson.
Here is my contribution to him: 献给麦克
Magic you are 你是奇迹
With the tenderness like water 似水的温柔
With the strength like wind 似风的强壮
With a danger like fire 似火的危险
With the sharpness like a knife 似刀的锋利
With the craziness like a volcano 火山般的疯狂
With a stillness that pages of poetry walking through 诗歌从宁静中一页一页的走过
your eyes 你的眼睛
Silence...... 沉默
And more...... 更多。。。。。。
power 伟大
Brighten life to its extreme 把生活闪光到及至
from the deep earth 从地球的深处
from the highest mountain 从大山的高处
the endless sky 无尽的天空
the life beyond 比生命更远的运处
you 你
walk to us 向我们走来
I have never seen 我从未看见
Never seen anyone like that 从未看见任何一个人
powerful 伟大
yet so vulnerable 却也那麽柔弱
innocent 单纯
yet so complexed 却也那麽复杂
magic 奇迹
yet so normal 却也那麽普通
popular 流行
Yet so alone 却也那麽孤独
so do wanted to live 那麽渴望生命
yet wanted to escape 却也渴望逃避
...... 。。。。。。
lost 失落
powered 伟大
live in its dream 生活在梦里
Till now....... 直到现在。。。。。。
Sadness 忧伤
Beauty 美丽
Magic 奇迹
echoes in our soul 回响在我们的灵魂
Forever 永恒的
lives in our lives 活在我们的生命
Touched 触摸着
A magic 一个奇迹
Like the brightest star 像最明亮的星星
Up high 高高的
In the sky 在天上
smiling 微笑
sunlight 阳光
You bring 你带来
beauty 美丽
You bring 你带来
sadness 忧伤
You bring 你带来
nature's gift 天上的礼物
You brought to us 你带给我们
Music。。。。。。 音乐。。。。。。
Precious 珍贵的
So tender 那麽敏感
precise 准确的
So firm 那麽不可动摇
Captured 拥有
You captured me 你拥有了我
My soul 我的灵魂
My breath 我的呼吸
The vibration 我的节奏的
To Move 移动
your magic 你的奇迹
Take away 带走了
you take away 你带走了
the vision 视线
The sound 声音
The passion 激情
The love 爱恋
The life 生命
The breath 呼吸
you take the breath away 你带走了呼吸
Of the entire world 整个世界的呼吸
....... 。。。。。。
Fire burning....... 火燃烧着。。。。。。
as you danced away........ 就像你舞蹈着走过。。。。。。
beauty 美丽
remain 留下
You still the magic light 你静止了奇迹的光亮
you are our magic...... 你是我们的奇迹。。。。。
May peace with you Dear Michael 安息吧亲爱的麦克
讓我們為Michael 慶祝生命!
Michael Jackson 將和我們和世界的生命靈魂美好爱和奇蹟永存!
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