Yes a beautiful day in front of me once again when I opened my eyes in another fresh morning, smile like waves gently rolling on my face and on my lazy relaxed naked body, I get up and danced my steps, I get up and opened my shinny window, yes I awake a beautiful day just for you .......
I like this image, burning fire full moon above the dark sky and vivid ghosts everywhere dancing their own shadow and catching the last breath, just like in my blog, so many invisible beings hiding behind, blurred and anxiously wanting......
you can almost see and tell they are there, they want you to feel so much, so much of their need, their pain and their almost lost voice.......and their longing for life, a beautiful life that they have no faith to believe that they deserve.......
But they don't know the life they so wanted is just there in front of them, or maybe behind? Left? Right? But firmly it is there shinny like a turning box ........ the performance is starting right now inside the tent behind me.......
You woke me up by surprise, you woke you up by surprise, your own soul woke yourself up by surprise in my light with what your thoughts and writings are left here .......
When there is suddenly no limits, no balls to play back, the sky just as open and vast as a lost dream in the desert...... Not even a car on the empty road, even dusts quietly landing their little body to sleep, sound vanished as the whole world the earth full to sleep and end, where are you going to go now?
What a week I had, so beautiful that my soul opened a rose garden for me to see to smell to dance gently with my eyes closed but still see....... Beauty romance like a unfolding magic world as the performance behind me inside the tent under the sky, yes, this is where you can finally find your long lost dream..... Inside, inside you......
My life takes me way, takes my breath away, takes Me to where my dream awaits so near .......
Happiness my heart sings like the fastest cheetha running speedy so gracefully in the open desert, sunlight vast wind shouting out so loud a laughter.......
In the chinese consulate for hours waiting to get my visa, funny I am Chinese but I need to get a visa to visit my country? Twisted, But I am happy sitting here with so many others, because then I have the time to write to you.....
So many people are here, yes! China is the hottest place on earth its on fire right now my beloved country.......
Be well my friends, I missed you......
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