Music..... How can one's life without music?.....the sound of the universal's soul and the sound of longing for life, for love, the sound of the poetry.....
In a classical concert, gentle, beautiful, passionate wild, simple setting but somehow it just reminded me of the hot summer nights when I was in China, heated the air, beautiful and sexy my soul feels all the time, life is romantic and simple back then, I was in love in life in the simple way, I was in love running around with my boyfriend to all the concerts lost in the heart of the happy music like a innocent child like right now with only a pure heart receiving the light......wild birds flying so free Only when music is up in the air colors our spirit so intimate and there is no laugerage need it, just the music and our breath carry the emotion touches the heart in a secret way, there is nothing can compare the feeling that music transient to the space of our soul.....
I am supposed to talk about my rehearsal for my movie shooting, meet our leading man for the first time, handsome and nice, but somehow life takes me away from that to here the beautiful evening with music flying, and right now just got an e-mail from my sister in China asking me about the earthquake, remember it was a year ago I was calling her, yes, I was just got back from juccuzzi naked of cause is the truth, and was just slowly getting ready to go out for dinner, then there is the earthquake, shaking my world and the world around me is shaking so strongly too, I did not know what to do but just stood there watching, and then suddenly realized I was naked, what if something happens? I rushed to look for my rob, slowly I found my rob and put it on and felt safe and then just stood there and truly felt and watched the vibrations of the drums from the deep down earth, kind of surreal nice feeling till everything suddenly stopped......
I was not really scared but just don't know what to do but stood there waiting for the show to end, yes can someone tell me what to do when the earth is shaking?
Don't know what kind of a game this time the earth is plying with us? But then it stopped just when my thoughts travels to meet the drums of the shaking earth.
My photo shooting got delayed because my movie shooting schedule, then I am waiting to find out a trip to Indonesia, wow how exotic then to bally, life changes constantly without my permition and notice, it throws me out of balance but also gives me many beautiful surprises......
Yes the wedding I meant to share with you, I got the rose, you know they called single women to the stage then throw the rose to us, the rose did not blink its eyes but directly flied to hit me, they say that means I am supposed to get married soon, wow, but how so? Mystery to me once again, I would like to have a family and madly in love, but how? Its really beautiful and at the same time scary, how? And how can you just get married like that with someone forever?
Wish I could do it, I wish I could and will do it soon. I believe everything starts from a dream, yes, let's plan the seed and watch it grow into a beautiful rose and hope one day it will land in your palms and mine......
Pieces of dreams, Pieces of happiness, Pieces of sadness, and Pieces of someone takes my heart away with my willingness to follow with my heart wide open and totally blind with a joy......
Dream and love are what classic music evoked me right now and tonight..... And travels to you right now........
Tomorrow at 7pm I will be on the air life at:
So call in and talk with me on the air
Thursday evening I will be on the comedy show at:
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