You can see me on TV right now if you are in LA, channel 18,
LA living, and also on line, its really a funny interview hope you understand.....more picture to follow.......
I can't believe someone has that many of guitar, they are so beautiful, and each one has a different charector and sound, like us, I was just so amazed that they are there standing ready to sing, I miss play music, it echos the sound of your soul, espacially when it is raining in the sky, morning for something someone or just the tears of the joy of happiness, it is too much the happiness the heart is full so it has to cry in order to give away....... nature is fancinating.......
I always like those 2 pictures, do you? I have atitude (how do you spell? aditude? no, antitudeeee? adytuyoute? au fa te de niu bi, sounds chinese, what I mean is that she thinks she is the best, or she drunk too much can not look down? or she is not Bailing and just some model thinks she is the best? Movie stars sometimes have (Ar dy tell you'd) but they are just like us, eccxpt have their face painted on the upper higher wall and got stuck!
yes this one, can you find me in it? where am I? and where it was taken? I meant the very first picture you see above.
want to write more but fall sleep, are you up? If you do write it for me.......
baby did the bad bad thing......
A smile my friend
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