Well I have been doing strange things that life takes me, no, not really strange but looking for kisses and give kisses, no not really I am only kidding, but...... I just live life and trying to light a kiss, some images emerged with the world I traveled far away, funny how images can take you to places suddenly far away and still smell the scant of the romance.........
Thank you for liking my new hair style, in fact I have many looks just as my 8 little spirits shifting lights life shifted too, they change me each day, not only my out look, but my inner world, I appreciate them, they make my life colorful like I have 8 different lives that I am traveling into one moment to another, fascinating..........
How intresting and mysteries life can be and at the same time different to each one, my girl friend's husband suddenly had pain and went to the hospital in the afternoon, then had a surgery that evening, then my other friend is surfing running in the sea, then my other friend just departured from earth fly to Europe, not the moon yet, then my other friend is having a big birthday party, one has just lost money in casino........ luckily my friend's husband is safe and Ok now, but the rest of us are just like the evening lights all turned on hurried joined the sparkling romance and waring their new pair of shoes ready to the dance floor......... I danced madly.......life is fragile。。。。。。
Kisses made for us to feel, kisses made for us to give, kisses made for us to love, kisses made for us to enjoy, and kisses made for us to not to forget, there is another person, another person is waiting, waiting to give one and recieve one, he or she might be just right next to you with a smile.......
Kisses made for us to feel, kisses made for us to give, kisses made for us to love, kisses made for us to enjoy, and kisses made for us to not to forget, there is another person, another person is waiting, waiting to give one and recieve one, he or she might be just right next to you with a smile.......
Here you go, I send this hot kiss to all of you, for your lovely hot Sunday......
For you for visit me here,Thank you .......
For you
a kiss。。。。。。