express coffee AM talk redio on the air right now...... for you
Sorry or in the air?
You know I remember when I grow up, we were kids trying to turn the radio to listen to the station from Taiwan, we surrounded in the little corner in the countyard or in the kitchen with a little radio in the middle as if it is the most precious gift box is about to pop open with surprises, we try so hard to avoid our parents and suddenly in a quiet moment so gently turn the (this round switches on the radio) yes, only once in every half hour, suddenly by one of us's magic touch, then we hear the radio station of Taiwan is singing some song that is half broken or people are shooting for a boat compitition, or suddenly jump into some news about the top leader is....... then suddenly the big loud noises coming from no where scared us all and suddenly my mom walked in..........
Yes AM's mystery with excitement and danger.........
What do you feel when you are in Love?
Are you?
I just did the interview with the Liz from Washington post and others, it made me think, but everytime I talk about love, a big smile just emerged from the lake of my loving heart to my face then to all of you, feel so beautiful, have you experienced the same?
Give love you will receive a beautiful smile, each time you do, it will plan a sead in your heart, can you imagine after a whole year?
Is Bailing kissing someone?
I was doing this talk show last night for " Crank 2 " , and look what
happend in the end? This is Hollywood you never know one moment to
another, you will suddenly just end it up kissing someone you don't
even know and you don't even know why you kiss him and why? But I
think if you watch the whole show it will make sense, its very funny
the interview we did, complately insane, but fun fun, you know I don't
even know what I was talking about just as the moment life takes over
with its uncertainty, I just fallowed with many delightful vivd
spirits in the air, maybe it was my little mini skirt spirits came out
playing with me, they are very mischeviuse, sometimes they really lead
me astrea, but surprise in a pleasant and crazy way, but I really
enjoyed joking around with my new friend John, he is funny, we are a
funny crazy talk show couple that will entertain you so much......
The show its going to be on the internet and on TV on the 15th to
promote my movie " Crank 2 ", I am doing a lots of publicities for the
movie, including MTV tour talk show, movieline and yes, I will be in San Francisco for a hot hot the biggest car show event in the country on the 2nd of April, its something called " Hot Import Nights " they have every year in different city in the country, I am going to be there with all the crazy drivers and fans and signing and who knows what going crazy and have fun, because " Crank 2 " is the kind of the movie
for young crazy fashionable edge people who like to take adventure and
laugh and go hip hop crazy in life, but i don't have a clue what is it, just Lionsgate send me and I will go to have some hot fun with some hip people.......
Well its different doing promotion then act, it is only a delightful
fun to talk about the movie and I really want you to see it, because it is simply it will boost your energy levle and make you laugh so much and sometimes could be shocking, when i am promote the movie i become my character, silly little hilarious crazy girl, nothing she says and does make any sense but it is because in HER everything just suddenly make perfect sense, kind of magic in its own way, I know it does not make any sense when you are reading it right now, its 4am in the morning how can anything make sense? But only when you see the movie you will suddenly wake up from your night mare and out of no where laugh so much out loud with me as if it is the happiest day in your life for the whole year and all your problems will be instently gone.......
This is why we have movies and go to movies, to forget life and live in a perfect fun dream, but " Crank 2 " is not a dream but a crazy ride as
if you are hooked on drugs, you just can't stop but laughing and
laughing and laughing in a speeding car, but don't worry, tell your
grandmommy and your grand grand father, for them if will feel like they
are in this fancy old Hollywood Gone with the wind car, have their
lunch box in their lap and have Charley Chaplain sing : " A kiss is just
a kiss, a lunch box is just a lunch box, box box box, hip hop hip hop hip hurt, there will be a chinese chicken soup in the hip box with a nice swimming fish from the blue sea in the sun singing: " " Summer time, the fish will not jumping I am on striking ........and fish will listen to grandmommy's old story about how she can not find
grandfather's old sun glass, but its a perfect Sunday pic nic soup, and
you don't have to see it with glass, all you have to do is just in
fact close your sleepy lovely red eyes and drink eat man and women, is it a film's name? You know the chinese fish soup is
the best for older people to dijest (spell,deijeistion?) wait, no, is it a chicken soup?
Sorry nothing make sense in am, dangriouse AM, but i am knocking, knocking your dream
door only in AM.........
Ria's jazz blues whispering to your left ear in AM with her mini skirt in the
moonlight wind flirting....... this is the AM midnight express coffee talk show on the air
right now only for you who is still awake like me because of too much dessserts ............
By the way English question, is it on the air or in the air? I used
to say to friend: I am in the telephone, I was laghing so hard how can I be in the phone? But now that I know I am not in
the phone, I am on the phone, funny in my mind when I say I am on the
phone that means I am sitting on the telephone, because we don't have that
concept of on the phone, we say: Wo Zai Da Dian Hua, that means I am
hitting you with the fascinating laugeeraageeee can open
and change your perspective of how your mind perceive things, and
totally open a new landscape in front of your red eyes, a little wakening
and brings a little smile of a joy to me for a long time when I was learning your English, just like a child finally allowed
to open her little melted candy in which she has been holding in her hand for 1 hour and 13
Yes life is crazy in AM, but I love it, because even the streets went to sleep and the ghosts.........
Midnight talk show lunch break now for the whole 8 hours baby......
but patience in AM slow motion.......blues.....
Yes a birthday cake,
Happy birthday to you and I miss you as if i am in China Beijing suddenly once again with all the blooms colored in my trailer........
Thanks to you buzz......
I have to share with you.........Call me crazy

So many nice pictures I would like to share with you, but my blackberry is slow in sending pictures, I have to learn how to download directly to my computer so the time will not be delayed.
I was in Lionsgate studio, so many beautiful classical posters that in the hall way behind me, it surprised me and I was so excited, yes I must capture this moment, I asked 3 people take picture for me, they all tried so hard not to shake and stay focus, but the wind is still moving, is it the wind? its in the hallway? ( I have a story for you next, its a zen Buddhist story ) Well this picture is what I got the best ( will show you all of them with all the posters behind me blurred next ) But Look at this one behind me, this is the film I like the most, so romantic, I don't watch much of movies but this one I watched at least 3 or more times, the beauty within the hunting eyes, the undeniable fire of attraction and love, the longing......... Feelings that left lost in the air forever from the piano bar, even the wine had remembered the longing sad faces that passed and will not pass but stayed forever inside the red wine, inked, unshakble like a thousand years of a painting still unfinished......
Smoke, only the smoke freases its body just when our lovers walked out of the door forever with the wind still knocking.......
"A kiss is just a kiss........"
Our soul is a magic box that stored so much beauty......
A lovely day to you my friend.........
The first picture I just added, because I am very excited and right now I am about to do a talk show about " Crank 2", my charector is totally crazy just like you, but sexy as hell and funny helurise (spell?) will break not your nose but your heart, yes your nose too baby!
Yes check out " Crank 2 " at:
and many more sides
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life takes me away.......but I missed you all the time

Sorry its been a while, time passed so fast without me noticed, I was
taken away by life with its color and fun and shadow and timelessly joy.........
Start to do a lots of promotion for my up coming film " Crank 2 ", fun
and delightful.......
meetings and reading scripts as my job as an
and learning about life too, by living in its mess and beauty I learned to accept, acceptance is the key to happiness, ride with its
waves, up and down, but when you change the perspective of the view,
everything else changes too, like when you switch the light, landscape changed, and then your mood changed with its new direction........
I have been going out a little, meeting new people meeting new energy, strange sometimes, I mean strange people in LA.
but nothing can really satasfy your soul but the melody of your own heart, the meaning of life is within you, knowing we already have the gift but still searching else where far.......
Watched the movie " Taken " really liked it, its about love and giving
and the power of the desire, luc Besson is a ginnes.
Went to the premiere of " The fast and the furious ", enjoyed the fun
action film a lot, the director Justin Lin, is one of the best Asian
Director out there, very talented, Love to work with him one day.
So cold lately in LA in the evening......wind blows its
temperature.......near the big sea in California.......loud
My life is unfold into a new page, writing with my steps slowly, surely along the sea, slow in
times lost me when the road suddenly turns, time nourishing wound, time
growing hope, it all happens in my palms like a magic lights its fire, brilliant!
yes, wound and hope are equally meaningful to one's growth.......
I am just like you my friend, life smiles life also hide away its light sometimes........
But you must smile always with your heart wide open, like the sun must break the clouds after the heavy rain......
Thank you my friends for being here always!
It is the women's day, for you all my dear girl friends......
That's why men love us, that's why we love ourselves, that's children love us, that's why the world is a beautiful place, its all because of proud and celebrate each day......
Something to share with you:
Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Love the ones who don't just because you can. Believe everything
happens for a reason. If you get a second
chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it.
Kiss slowly.
Forgive quickly.
God never said life would be easy. He just promised it would be worth it.
A big smile to my all sisters....... And of cause you......
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Noises happiness sadness sweetness
the laud craziness
far away blinded into the darkness of the night
lights shine on your face shadows my eyes
I can not hear you
I can't
still I cannot
Life waves like water
Only in my private
suddenly a sound
sound suddenly
like your whispering
like my silence
Life dances in the candle light
For your hot sexy weekend.......
I am On TV now, its really a funny interview

You can see me on TV right now if you are in LA, channel 18,
LA living, and also on line, its really a funny interview hope you understand.....more picture to follow.......
I can't believe someone has that many of guitar, they are so beautiful, and each one has a different charector and sound, like us, I was just so amazed that they are there standing ready to sing, I miss play music, it echos the sound of your soul, espacially when it is raining in the sky, morning for something someone or just the tears of the joy of happiness, it is too much the happiness the heart is full so it has to cry in order to give away....... nature is fancinating.......
I always like those 2 pictures, do you? I have atitude (how do you spell? aditude? no, antitudeeee? adytuyoute? au fa te de niu bi, sounds chinese, what I mean is that she thinks she is the best, or she drunk too much can not look down? or she is not Bailing and just some model thinks she is the best? Movie stars sometimes have (Ar dy tell you'd) but they are just like us, eccxpt have their face painted on the upper higher wall and got stuck!
yes this one, can you find me in it? where am I? and where it was taken? I meant the very first picture you see above.
want to write more but fall sleep, are you up? If you do write it for me.......
baby did the bad bad thing......
A smile my friend
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Well I have been doing strange things that life takes me, no, not really strange but looking for kisses and give kisses, no not really I am only kidding, but...... I just live life and trying to light a kiss, some images emerged with the world I traveled far away, funny how images can take you to places suddenly far away and still smell the scant of the romance.........