Been crazy buzy, but just now sending you the first pic of last night's event, do you like the look? but will have more pics to fallow, it was so much fun in the event, the press were going crazy, I was obsolutly the star of the evening, strange crazy and funny, they fight with each other, it always like this every time I come to germany, for some reason people love me here and they are going crazy! It was delightful to be in it for my little girl's spirit, fun! (I told you I have 8 of little spirits in me)and so many people there in the event and I really don't know anyone here, but because of that I like it so much......
Running around in the streets in the cold and lovely Hamburg in jet-legged dream and confusing, went to the Paris bar and somewhere I don't know, but so much fun, will send some more pictures later.......
A smile from the cold Europe......
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