I am so jet-legged, have you had a experience like this? I was in a director's holiday party up in the Hollywood hills, beautiful house and nice people, I think most of them is in the movie business and music business, or maybe it was just my inllousiob? They are actually all chefs from the farm. I was so tired, so tired, basically could fall sleep anywhere even when I am standing in the middle of the room, can you imagine me standing sleeping and snoring with all the fancy party people walking be and watching and ignoring me? but I think even like its so cool, people are so busy trying to find their new boy friend or girl friend or just want to find a one night stand in the hot Friday night with alcohol like fire burning in their desire, surely I missed my chance because I am already in the sleep mood with out find any one yet, chance missed by standing there sleeping...... funny what I could do when I am this tired, feeling like just landed from the moon, feels like I am not connected or don't quite understand what's going on here of just suddenly I woke up from my dream and found so many earth strangers walking drinking in my bed room like ghosts.......
I like her Marry, she is like her painting 3 detention stands on its own but with in the same picture telling a different sampler story.......
One of the best parties tonight, relaxing and the exciting thing is that I had a great idea for a fantastic female 007 movie for myself, let's have the white rose and the red rose tell us our fortune......
Falling sleep mysrldy', don't can't writ antmorningl and it was so tangos I toy fall sleep while I am driving from the top mountain down into the sear' city lights red yellow green blue you?
Missing something so in qiji is wash the dishes and, sleep me with Qiji jumping on my feet face eyes bees like a wild vest baby BB, sorry don'know what I am wetingl sleeping like a drug take me away fromm you......
Amen Buddha perfume qiji is fixing the pipe right now working hashly by her. Side way no chance wash lippo DJ qiji .....ha ha la lo qi jia 3 FENG yi 10
Wo FENG Le! Xiang chi dessert with you ahdfotbmvowsu!?!?!..,!?.,961! Napquanki qiji thinking what many mini skirt to park xionuan.....
Feng le Baii Ling! Shui ship shuomjaddh
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